720-459-0913 - Telehealth appointments available
Summit Peak
Nutrition Services
Business Hours
By appointment only
What forms of payment does Summit Peak
Nutrition Services take?
Payment is due at the time of service. Summit Peak Nutrition Services will accept payment with cash, check, and all major credit cards. No refunds.
Please provide Summit Peak Nutrition Services with at least 24 hour notice if an appointment needs to be cancelled. You can cancel directly by calling or texting Stephanie at 720-459-0913 or via email at stephanie@summitpeaknutritionservices.com.
Will my health insurance cover Registered Dietitian services?
At this time, Summit Peak Nutrition Services take Aetna, United Health Care, Cigna, and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield for Medical Nutrition Therapy. Other services are private pay and due at the time of service. A superbill will be provided along with other necessary paperwork to submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement. Many insurance companies now reimburse for nutrition services!